Learn How to Detect the User's Browser with JavaScript

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

· 5 min read
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Ever wondered how to find out which browser your users are on? Detecting a user's browser can be extremely useful for optimizing performance, applying specific fixes, or enhancing the overall user experience. In this guide, you’ll learn how to detect popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (IE), and Opera using JavaScript.

Let’s explore the practical ways to achieve this!

Why Should You Detect the Browser?

Before we jump into the code, understanding why detecting a browser is valuable can help you implement it more effectively:

  1. Feature Support: Not all browsers support the same web features. For instance, older versions of Internet Explorer (IE) don’t support modern JavaScript features like Promises or ES6 modules.
  2. Bug Fixes: Different browsers may handle your web app differently. Knowing the browser type allows you to apply specific bug fixes.
  3. Optimization: Some browsers are faster at rendering certain types of content. By detecting the browser, you can tailor your website for performance improvements.
  4. Analytics: Understanding which browsers are popular among your users can provide insights into their experience and help you prioritize your development efforts.

Now, let’s learn how to detect the user's browser using JavaScript!

Detecting the Browser with JavaScript

JavaScript’s navigator object is your best friend here. It provides detailed information about the browser, operating system, and other environment properties. One key property, navigator.userAgent, is a string that tells us a lot about the browser the user is using.

Step 1: Get the userAgent String

The first step in detecting the browser is retrieving the userAgent string. You can easily do this using JavaScript’s navigator object:

let userAgent = navigator.userAgent;

This string contains keywords that allow us to identify the browser. Let's move on and detect specific browsers one by one.

Step 2: Detect Chrome

Chrome’s userAgent string contains the word "Chrome", but be careful — the userAgent for Opera also contains "Chrome". We’ll need to add some extra checks to ensure we’re detecting Chrome correctly.

let isChrome = userAgent.includes("Chrome") && !userAgent.includes("OPR");
console.log("Is Chrome: ", isChrome);

Step 3: Detect Firefox

Firefox is one of the easiest browsers to detect, as its userAgent contains the keyword "Firefox". You can simply check for that string:

let isFirefox = userAgent.includes("Firefox");
console.log("Is Firefox: ", isFirefox);

Step 4: Detect Safari

Safari’s detection is a little tricky because both Chrome and Safari share "Safari" in their userAgent. So, like we did for Chrome, we need to ensure that Chrome is excluded when checking for Safari.

let isSafari = userAgent.includes("Safari") && !userAgent.includes("Chrome");
console.log("Is Safari: ", isSafari);

Step 5: Detect Internet Explorer (IE)

Although Internet Explorer (IE) is mostly deprecated, some users may still be using it, especially in older enterprise environments. To detect IE, look for the keywords "MSIE" or "rv:", which are used in the userAgent string of older IE versions.

let isIE = userAgent.includes("MSIE") || userAgent.includes("rv:");
console.log("Is Internet Explorer: ", isIE);

Step 6: Detect Opera

Opera's userAgent contains "OPR", which makes it relatively simple to detect. Since Opera also includes "Chrome", we must ensure that it's recognized as Opera rather than Chrome.

let isOpera = userAgent.includes("OPR");
console.log("Is Opera: ", isOpera);

Complete Browser Detection Code

Let’s combine everything into one comprehensive function that detects all the major browsers.

function detectBrowser() {
    let userAgent = navigator.userAgent;

    let isChrome = userAgent.includes("Chrome") && !userAgent.includes("OPR");
    let isFirefox = userAgent.includes("Firefox");
    let isSafari = userAgent.includes("Safari") && !userAgent.includes("Chrome");
    let isIE = userAgent.includes("MSIE") || userAgent.includes("rv:");
    let isOpera = userAgent.includes("OPR");

    return {
        chrome: isChrome,
        firefox: isFirefox,
        safari: isSafari,
        ie: isIE,
        opera: isOpera


This function returns an object that tells you whether the user is on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, or Opera. Each browser will have a boolean value, true or false, depending on whether it matches the user’s browser.

Output Example

If you run this code in the Chrome browser, the output will look something like this:

    chrome: true,
    firefox: false,
    safari: false,
    ie: false,
    opera: false

Handling Edge Cases

While the userAgent method is helpful for most cases, it’s not 100% foolproof. Browsers often change their user-agent strings over time, and sometimes custom browsers may spoof their identity. So, it's important to note that relying solely on userAgent strings may not be a perfect solution for long-term browser detection.

Bonus: Using Browser Detection Libraries

If you want more accurate and reliable browser detection, you can use open-source libraries like Bowser. Bowser provides more precise detection and abstracts away the complexity of dealing with constantly changing userAgent strings.

Here’s a quick example of how to use Bowser:

import Bowser from "bowser";

const browser = Bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);

This approach is more robust for complex applications and provides much more information about the browser and platform.


Learning how to detect a user's browser with JavaScript is a useful skill for improving your web application's performance and user experience. Whether you're dealing with feature support, bug fixes, or optimizations, knowing the user's browser can help you handle specific cases efficiently.

While the userAgent method is simple and widely used, consider leveraging dedicated libraries for more accurate detection as your application grows.

Now that you've learned how to detect browsers, you're ready to apply this knowledge to your web projects! Happy coding!

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

About Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Front-end Developer skilled in the MERN stack, experienced in web and mobile development. Proficient in React.js, Node.js, and Express.js, with a focus on client interactions, sales support, and high-performance applications.

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