How to Add Commas to Numbers in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

· 4 min read
How to Add Commas to Numbers in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide Banner Image
How to Add Commas to Numbers in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide Banner Image

In JavaScript, adding commas to numbers for better readability is a common requirement, especially when working with large numbers. This blog will walk you through multiple methods to format numbers with commas as thousands separators, providing detailed explanations and practical examples to help you master this task.

Why Do We Add Commas to Numbers?

When working with large numbers, adding commas improves readability. For example, these two numbers:

  • 1000000
  • 1,000,000

The second version is much easier to read and understand at a glance. By inserting commas, we make the number user-friendly. Let’s dive into how to achieve this in JavaScript.

1. How to Add Commas Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (RegEx) provide a powerful and efficient way to manipulate strings in JavaScript. You can use RegEx to automatically insert commas at the appropriate places in a number string.


function formatNumberWithCommas(number) {
    return number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");

const number = 1234567890;
console.log(formatNumberWithCommas(number)); // Output: 1,234,567,890


  • \B: A position where there is no word boundary.
  • \d{3}: Matches every group of three digits.
  • (?!\d): Ensures that commas are not inserted at the end of the number.

This method is simple and works well across various scenarios.

2. How to Use Intl.NumberFormat for Locale-Sensitive Formatting

The Intl.NumberFormat object is a powerful tool for language-sensitive number formatting. It allows you to format numbers according to specific locales, making it ideal for applications that support international users.


function formatNumberIntl(number) {
    return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(number);

const number = 987654321;
console.log(formatNumberIntl(number)); // Output: 987,654,321

Why Use Intl.NumberFormat?

  • Locale-Sensitive: Automatically formats numbers based on the locale.
  • Built-in Solution: No need for custom code or regular expressions.

You can also extend this method for formatting currencies:

function formatCurrency(number) {
    return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
        style: 'currency',
        currency: 'USD'

console.log(formatCurrency(1234567.89)); // Output: $1,234,567.89

3. How to Use toLocaleString() for Quick Formatting

The toLocaleString() method is another simple way to add commas to numbers in JavaScript. This built-in method converts numbers into a locale-sensitive string representation, similar to Intl.NumberFormat.


function formatNumberWithLocale(number) {
    return number.toLocaleString('en-US');

const number = 6543210;
console.log(formatNumberWithLocale(number)); // Output: 6,543,210

Why Choose toLocaleString()?

  • Ease of Use: A one-liner for formatting numbers.
  • Locale-Sensitive: Formats numbers according to the chosen locale.

Additionally, you can use this method for percentages:

console.log((0.789).toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'percent' }));
// Output: 78.9%

4. Custom Recursive Function for Comma Insertion

For those who enjoy crafting custom solutions, a recursive approach can also be employed to add commas. While not the most common approach, this demonstrates the flexibility of JavaScript for solving problems in unique ways.


function addCommasRecursively(number) {
    let numStr = number.toString();
    if (numStr.length <= 3) return numStr;
    return addCommasRecursively(numStr.slice(0, numStr.length - 3)) + ',' + numStr.slice(-3);

console.log(addCommasRecursively(123456789)); // Output: 123,456,789


  • This function splits the number into chunks of three digits and recursively processes the rest of the number, adding commas between them.

5. How to Use Template Literals for Comma Insertion

Although template literals are typically used for string interpolation, they can also be combined with string manipulation techniques to insert commas into numbers.


function formatNumberWithTemplateLiterals(number) {
    const reversed = number.toString().split("").reverse().join("");
    const withCommas = reversed.match(/.{1,3}/g).join(",").split("").reverse().join("");
    return withCommas;

console.log(formatNumberWithTemplateLiterals(9876543210)); // Output: 9,876,543,210


  • First, the number is reversed and then split into chunks of three digits.
  • Commas are added, and the string is reversed back to the original order.


In this blog, we’ve explored various ways to format numbers with commas in JavaScript. Depending on your specific use case, you can choose from:

  • Regular Expressions: Ideal for custom formatting needs.
  • Intl.NumberFormat and toLocaleString: Best for locale-sensitive, international applications.
  • Custom Recursive Function: A creative and flexible approach for manual formatting.
  • Template Literals: An unconventional but effective way to manipulate strings.

Each method offers its own strengths, so the choice depends on your project’s needs. By applying these techniques, you can ensure that large numbers are presented in a readable and user-friendly way.

Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

About Muhaymin Bin Mehmood

Front-end Developer skilled in the MERN stack, experienced in web and mobile development. Proficient in React.js, Node.js, and Express.js, with a focus on client interactions, sales support, and high-performance applications.

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